Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloweens!!!

My Grand-Maw and her team at work made this "pumpkin burger" for a contest, isn't it neat-O? 

Hello Everybuddy!!

HAPPY HALLOWEENS!!! Hope everyone gets to have a nice adventure this season, whether it's dressing up or passing out candy to the kiddies or playing with pumpkins or whatever ya likes to do on Halloweens.

Well... I know what it means for me...

... it means that it's dress-up time. Oh boy...

This year, me was an airplane. My person was my flight attendant. We actually won something with this costume at Yappy Hour's Halloweens partee last week, I will blog about that later.

Me trying to hold still and be a good model... maybe I'm an airplane model lol! Naw, I wuz told I'm the fuselage for the plane.   

Over the weekend, me went to the basset hound Halloween partee, and I wuz a Sheriff. Do ya likes my silver plush gun and lasso?

Here is my prisoner, my pal Mr. Bo Jangles. I captured him and placed him under arrest!

Closer up picture of Mr. Bo. Mr. Bo is my Auntie M's new rescue and he's been with us for a little over a month.

Have a happy and safe day! What did YOU do for Halloweens this year? Me wants to know!

                                                              Your friend,


  1. Worm, you are too cute. I love your propeller-head and your pilot-pal. I bet you spent a lot of time taxi-ing at a leisurely pace. And you and Bo seem to be playing a very mellow game of cops and robbers. I'm glad you had fun for Halloween. I miss you! Love and rubs!

  2. Thanks everyone! Uncle B, I DO like to go taxi-ing : ) We miss you too! Sending you some of my splashy drool!
